
We aim to provide more ecological insight regarding bay are water and how certain factors like urbanization and industrial runoff create environmental decline, affecting biological and chemical systems in aquatic ecosystems. Through citizen science, we aim to bring to light the understated problem of aquatic bay area ecology.

Parameters Being Tested

Dissolved Oxygen

Dissolved oxygen is the amount of oxygen present in a body of water. This oxygen diffuses through both the atmosphere and the local aquatic plants and is an essential part in the overall aquatic ecosystem, as it is crucial in the survival of almost all aquatic organisms in both freshwater and saltwater systems.


pH is one of the most important aspects of aquatic ecosystems with regard to their ability to sustain life. Increasing or decreasing pH values can correlate to lower hatching and survival rates among aquatic organisms. Most healthy bodies of water should have a pH that ranges from 6.5-8


A necessary parameter in determining water quality, salinity is crucial in determining the chemical qualities of an aquatic system by indicating the presence of dissolved ionic solids. An aquatic freshwater ecosystem that presents higher levels of salinity is indicative of chemical pollution and ecosystem decline


Total dissolved solids represent all organic and inorganic solids represented in the body of water. While most aquatic ecosystems should harbor a TDS level of around 200-400ppm, increased TDS levels can point to chemical contamination which can come from organic and inorganic sources and is an important parameter in determining the overall health of a body of water


Like any ecosystem, aquatic zones are home to complex ecological chains. Microbes are the foundation as they are a food source for primary consumers and act as decomposers, enhancing overall ecosystem health. However, not all microbes are good. In the wake of urban contamination, aquatic ecosystems have become a popular breeding ground for coliform bacteria such as E. coli, creating severe public health hazards.

Map View

Table View

River Name TDS pH Salinity Dissolved Oxygen Water Type Overall Quality
Los Gatos Creek 224 ppm 6.7 1.6 g/L 6.7 mg/L Freshwater 1
Vasona Reservoir 212 ppm 6.8 1.62 g/L 7.3 mg/L Freshwater 1
Shoreline Lake 1193 ppm 6.3 0.75 g/L 12.8 mg/L Saltwater 2
Charleston Slough 1198 ppm 6.8 1.54 g/L 7.3 mg/L Saltwater 2
Lexington Reservoir 789 ppm 6.1 1.54 g/L 6.6 mg/L [] 3
Mayfield Slough 850 ppm 6.5 0.73 g/L 6.0 mg/L Saltwater []
